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People and Planet – unprecedented change Blog #4
September 2, 2010
Marie Schickel Rottschaefer
Retired RN BSN & MS (Nursing Education)
The consistent and persistent theme of my writing for a number of years regardless of what titles were used at different times is as follows. The goal of these posts is to give a brief overview of developments that have relevance for us in the early 21st century, particularly in seeking solutions for pressing people and planet problems. This is the primary reason why I have a blog. Blog #4 will be slightly longer than my typical goal of about 500 words once a week if I can manage it.
I thought that I would reconsider a post that I wrote in June 2008 since it puts in a nutshell where I stand regarding the need for change. It is slightly edited for timely reasons. In my limited and humble opinion, it speaks to one of the inventions in history that Tom Doyle wrote about when he described some of the trappings of clericalism. I am digressing from Rue’s book momentarily to once again emphasize Doyle’s remarks because ultimately they are a part of seeking solutions for pressing --- problems. The trappings of clericalism extend to the papacy itself.
A Post for NCRcafe: New Search For Ultimate Reality
By Marie Schickel Rottschaefer
Vol. 2 No. 1 June 2, 2008
The goal of these posts is to give a brief overview of developments that have relevance for us in the early 21st century, particularly in seeking solutions for pressing people and planet problems.
Greetings cafĂ© confreres! New Search For Ultimate Reality has a name change. It will be called Exit To Entrance. In these posts I will be attempting to strengthen my claim that in the twenty-first century we are moving from the end of an Axial Age religion to a post- Axial Age faith (for those who consider themselves as faith seekers). The term, “post-axial age,” is a provisional description. The journey itself will reveal the nature of this age, also characterizing in time, the name of this age.
I speak not as a scholar or researcher but as an ordinary laywoman (now retired) with an MS in education, specializing in nursing and health from a well recognized university. The discipline of nursing relies on an interdisciplinary approach to solve actual and potential health problems. It is obvious that nursing along with many other disciplines has essential relevance for pressing people and planet solutions to problems. So in these posts I use a variety of sources from researchers, scholars and other experts, employing an integrated approach to strengthen my claim and its rationale.
The following is a quote taken from Pope Benedict XVI’s recent speech to educators during his visit to the United States. It was put on the Internet by The College of St. Catherine.
[The following location was taken from the Internet 8-31-10.
Meeting With Catholic Educators
Address Of His Holiness Benedict XVI
Conference Hall of the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Thursday, 17 April 2008
The original speech in its entirety is online.]
“In regard to faculty members at Catholic colleges universities, I wish to reaffirm the great value of academic freedom. In virtue of this freedom you are called to search for the truth wherever careful analysis of evidence leads you. Yet it is also the case that any appeal to the principle of academic freedom in order to justify positions that contradict the faith and the teaching of the Church would obstruct or even betray the university's identity and mission; a mission at the heart of the Church's munus docendi and not somehow autonomous or independent of it.” [Munus docendi means, roughly, teaching office].
From my view the above quote expresses the heart of the problem. With the greatest and most humble respect I say that the papal request itself appears to have an inadvertent inconsistency. For in fulfilling the Pope’s injunction to pursue the truth “wherever careful analysis of evidence leads you” we need to employ critical thinking skills, scientific knowledge, biblical/historical research and philosophical assessment, especially epistemological (theory of knowledge and justification) and logical examination. But these tools of academic freedom do seem to lead to positions that contradict the faith and the Church’s teachings. Thus the Pope’s words leave us with no resolution of the long-standing debate between academic freedom and the munus docendi.
The resolution must come in the pursuit of truth. It must take precedence over the teaching office of the Church. The ‘fierce urgency of now’ compels a further extension of the Church’s thinking. The intellectual tools that enable the pursuit of truth are necessary for both a productive Church-wide discussion -- a discussion that would involve the genuine learning presupposed in the idea of munus docendi -- and for commitments beyond the Church, commitments to the world at large. Even a review of the relevant Church documents shows that the Vatican itself has changed its thinking regarding its understanding of its teaching authority in contemporary times to keep in step with the intellectual revolutions that academic freedom in the pursuit of truth has achieved.
As the tension between the pursuit of truth and obeying the teaching authority of the Church relaxes, the discrepancy between the results of academic freedom and the teachings of the Church fades. The result is that we will exit one age and begin another. Exiting the Axial Age religion known as Christianity, specifically Catholicism, we enter a post-Axial Age faith. Because of the work of experts in well-developed and emerging fields of scholarly endeavor Homo sapiens has made a giant leap forward in the last 2000 years since the founding of Christianity. The sciences and other disciplines are converging to show that Christianity had a beginning that now appears to be leading to its ending. Humanity’s faith in the future as elaborated in Christianity is once again metamorphosing into a new faith -- a post-Axial Age one. This process is part of our cultural evolution. Evolutionary theory has preempted the assumed dichotomy between the hypothetical sacred and secular realms. Sacred and secular reality and truth are one.
More later. Marie.