Friday, November 5, 2010

People and Planet

People And Planet
November 5, 2010
or google Marie Schickel Rottschaefer

Resume Blog 3

Earlier I spoke of Christianity’s foundation based on the incarnation and resurrection beliefs needing to evolve into a new faith phenomenon.  The faith and morals issue of more than two millennia must metamorphose.  The incarnation and resurrection belief reevaluation (biblical-historical scientific scholarship) and the faith and revelation issue based on an infallible authority i.e. the hierarchical structure (epistemology challenging its validity) are two reasons why a supernatural view has been supplanted with a natural view.   An axial age religion is undergoing a metamorphosis into a post-axial age faith phenomenon.  The invention of reality is being replaced with the discovery of reality.  Necessary Being has bequeathed a universe to contingent being (us).  Our evolutionary journey needs to be sustained not squelched by a sixth mass extinction we are currently experiencing.  If we want to be people of faith, moral people, our task is to unite as a species to restore our planet and its inhabitants.  This world and its manifestation of being an evolutionary journey is the basis of our new found faith.  Our task is to accept this fact in all its implications.  Here is where the faith and morals issue begins to metamorphose.  The state of planet earth and contemporary knowledge induce the change.  To repeat for emphasis, both science and philosophy are essential tools in constructing a post-axial age faith.  We need the evidence of science but the reasoning power of philosophy to correct possible errors of thinking and enhance our cognitive capacities.  Cooperation, collaboration, negotiation, shaking off fear, establishing trust in valuing the sharing of talents and gifts, replacing envy, intolerance, and self-seeking with cherishing each others’ contributions, to continue our journey of evolution and keep devolution, (degeneration), and extinction at bay is required.  Extinction screams at us to change our direction.  We must convince one another without condemning one another.

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