Paula said...
But I would take issue with your assertion that the church " has run its course." From where I stand, there is an abundance of life left in it. What many of us want to do is work together with the U.S. Bishops to re-create the institution in the vision of Vatican II. Will you contribute your considerable acumen to this cause? Please help us think of ways to exercise our baptismal responsibility to build the church going forward. We know the ways in which we are failing; we need help to imagine new ways. We don't need so much discouragement from you. Will you consider it? Thanks, Marie.
Our task is: understanding and replacing the mythical trappings in RC to pursue a genuine faith that seeks reality, and eliminate a pseudo-faith that invents reality.
Many Catholics need further intense education, epistemology being but one subject. That has been a part of the problem; indoctrination is not the answer.
We are in a post-Vatican II period and into a beginning post-Axial Age faith phenomenon. 11-9-10.
11-21-10 but with additional information. I think I am repeating myself but once again: what is this contemporary knowledge? Scientific biblical-historical scholarship -- the kind Pope Pius XII promulgated in his encyclical is one source. Philosophy, especially epistemology on belief, justification and knowledge is another source. There is a direct connection here to doctrines or issues such as the incarnation, resurrection, the faith and revelation circular argument, and magisterial authority. Relevant science is yet another source. Our task is: understanding and replacing the mythical trappings in RC to pursue a genuine faith that seeks reality, and eliminate a pseudo-faith that invents reality.
Paula and colkoch --
Nov. 29, 2010 Since my message is too long for a post, I am using my blog to get this message to you. Please google Marie Schickel Rottschaefer or click my name on PCV.
The above comments say a lot about our recent communication.
To move on the issues takes a whole lot of study: a basic understanding of Catholicism with study of the Catechism of a few years back, McBrien’s Catholicism, the Vatican II documents etc. Then we move to relevant religion and faith issues outside the box of indoctrination.
First a response to colkoch, thank you. I read a little on the observer effect in quantum physics. Very interesting but you and I are discussing different issues.
Now to Paula and PCV. I think what fired up this conversation was your saying “We don't need so much discouragement from you.” I do not want to discourage you. I have been writing about the global crisis for many years in response to many experts’ writing about it, and about many changes that appear to be a part of our definitive twenty-first century. They can lead us to discouragement or to encouragement. It is our choice. I have been opting for encouragement every step of the way. Otherwise I would not have taken on this task. The situation is grim but not hopeless.
In no way do I put down you or PCV. Quite the opposite. I have worked on this project for many years and see in PCV people something quite remarkable! Virtuous, productive, open-minded, wonderful people. I wish I had known of your existence much earlier. The irony of life! I get interest and response from PCV people now that it is time for me to exit. I have to close my blog and discontinue posts permanently for health reasons.
I have had the opportunity of working with Catholic people and groups for most of my life. PCV wins first prize! I have given to the Church as a layperson at least 70 years of dedicated service. I have been given a gift for which I am most grateful, to have access to a great many information sources by experts in diverse disciplines and other sources, given the work that my husband does and my own field of work. Some of what I say may seem unconventional, but if people read and connect the dots, it may seem expected!
I can tell that you and colkoch and other PCV-related people want church reform -- very much. I opt for evolution of the people who call themselves Christian. Our species called Homo sapiens has been evolving for hundreds of thousands of years. This new faith phenomenon that I think is in the making will simply change peoples’ ways of doing things, not destroy our belief in a Supreme Being Who is the Origin of our being, a Necessary Being Whom we can rely on with every breath we take, every thought we consider, every behavior and action we generate. We still worship, share love, realize justice, participate in sociality, and work in freedom and with responsibility.
You said Paula, ‘we need help to imagine new ways.’ It may not be a church but it will be a faith group. I think that the least we can do is read what the experts are saying, judge for ourselves the merit of what they are saying, and appropriately respond.
I’m available if you want to stay in touch but it has to be limited. May you flourish. Thank you for all your gifts. Marie.
Thanks for your encouragement, Marie. I am sorry you are having to restrict your writing for health reasons. I am with you in wanting the human species to evolve culturally. In doing so, we will adjust our institutional forms. I am hoping that the Roman Catholic institution has the capacity to adapt to new understandings such as you point out. It has so much power to influence the evolution for good or ill. Those of us who have been formed in the tradition may have some responsibility to help it move in the direction Vatican II pointed to.